Want to improve cash flow or look good in the eyes of the bank or investors? Here's how to strengthen your balance sheet.
These are the most important steps you can take to prevent payroll discrepancies and, if they do occur, how to fix them.
Find out the definitions and see examples of fixed, variable and mixed expenses. Read on to learn how to save on these costs.
Should you buy or lease the company car? Here are the pros and cons of each to help you weigh which is best for your needs.
Successful businesses must stay on top of their accounting. Learn how to use payroll journal entries to track wages and other financial data.
Night shift differential pay applies to employees who don't typically work night shifts. Learn how to calculate and apply night shift differential pay.
Learn what an audited financial statement is, why your business might need one, and how unaudited accounting reports differ.
Invoicing is crucial for small business cash flow. Learn how to create an effective professional invoice that increases the likelihood of timely payments.
Artificial intelligence and automation are changing accounting. Learn how to mix accounting, AI and automation for a balance of brainpower and technology.