Zoho Books is an accounting solution that uses automation to make managing business finances easier. Learn about Zoho's features, integrations and more.
FreshBooks is cloud-based accounting software that's ideal for invoice creation. Learn how businesses use FreshBooks for accounting, including custom invoicing.
Sage Business Cloud Accounting is a cloud-based accounting solution ideal for customizations. Learn how businesses can use Sage to customize integrations.
Need a free business budget template download? Get it here and learn how to use it to track your monthly and annual business revenue and expenses.
The best accounting software makes it easy for a business to track expenses, send invoices and collaborate with their accountant. Here’s what to consider.
An accounts payable reporting process ensures accurate financial data and on-time bill payments. Learn about accounts payable reporting and report types.
An efficient accounts payable process ensures that your vendors are paid on time and reduces the likelihood of human error. Learn how to set up an AP process.
Rippling's platform has hundreds of integrations and a user-friendly workflow builder. Learn why it's the best payroll system for automating processes.
Accounts payable is money your business owes, and accounts receivable is money owed to you. Learn how accounts payable and accounts receivable differ.
A statement of shareholder equity can tell you if your business is doing well or if it's time to fine-tune some of your activities.
The accounting cycle tracks a transaction until it's added to your company's financial statement. Follow this eight-step process to organize the data.
Knowing when to hire a CPA can have a dramatic impact on your business's financial health. Find out all of your tax options here.
Wave is a good option for accounting software, but it has certain limitations. Consider seven Wave alternatives that can grow with your business.
To achieve financial goals you might need a top-notch finance department. Learn how your company can become more competitive.
GAAP refers to a set of rules and standards used for financial reporting in the U.S. Learn how GAAP principles work and what they mean for your business.
While FreshBooks is popular accounting software, others might work better for your company. Learn about some alternatives.
Learn how the accounts receivable process works and how accounting software can streamline your business’s ability to track and collect money owed.
Find out the definitions and see examples of fixed, variable and mixed expenses. Read on to learn how to save on these costs.
Successful businesses must stay on top of their accounting. Learn how to use payroll journal entries to track wages and other financial data.
Employee bonuses are any compensation paid in excess of an employee's base salary or hourly wage. Learn how to structure and implement employee bonuses.
Maintaining a general ledger helps you gauge a business's financial health and avoid accounting mistakes. Learn what a general ledger is and how it works.
ZarMoney is a standout accounting solution with simple pricing and robust integrations. Learn why it's the best accounting software for report generation.
Creating a new company banking account is important so you want to do your research. Here are three steps to opening your business checking account.
Learn what an audited financial statement is, why your business might need one, and how unaudited accounting reports differ.
Learn about discretionary bonuses and their regulatory and tax implications, as well as the bonus structures that best avoid triggering additional taxes.
Artificial intelligence and automation are changing accounting. Learn how to mix accounting, AI and automation for a balance of brainpower and technology.