monday Sales CRM helps SMBs grow and manage all aspects of their operations. Learn how monday can help you customize sales and marketing workflows.
Many retirees have turned side interests into income. Learn how to make money in retirement, including getting started, getting funding and paying taxes.
Being a franchisee has its perks over starting a brand-new business, but you still need capital. Here are three ways to appeal to investors.
Shopping cart abandonment represents lost web sales. Learn how to use email marketing campaigns to reduce and recover abandoned e-commerce shopping carts.
A business needs specialty insurance for items not covered by ordinary homeowners or automobile insurance. Learn if your company needs more insurance.
GAAP refers to a set of rules and standards used for financial reporting in the U.S. Learn how GAAP principles work and what they mean for your business.
This guide to filing payroll taxes can help any business with employees manage their payroll and meet their tax obligations.
A human resources information system (HRIS) helps your business's HR department stay compliant and safeguard data. Learn about HRIS features and functions.
Email is a critical marketing tool. Discover how to design your own in this complete guide that includes best practices and campaign examples.
Merit increases can help boost productivity and retain valuable employees, but you need to know the benefits and pitfalls of the policy.
While FreshBooks is popular accounting software, others might work better for your company. Learn about some alternatives.
Many small business loans require the business owner to sign a personal guarantee. Learn about the risks of personally guaranteeing a loan.
Tail insurance is a policy endorsement that lets you file a claim after a policy's term ends. Learn how tail coverage can protect your business.
While standard business insurance policies protect your business, when extra coverage is needed, you'll obtain a rider. Learn how riders work.
If your company is considered too risky by traditional lenders, a high-risk business loan might offer financing options.
A 7702 plan, also called a Section 7702 plan, is a privately issued stand-alone life insurance policy. Learn how it differs from typical retirement plans.
Learn how the accounts receivable process works and how accounting software can streamline your business’s ability to track and collect money owed.
Accepting credit cards over the phone can help boost customer convenience and satisfaction. Learn methods for taking credit card payments over the phone.
: Facebook has seen an organic reach drop recently. Learn about Facebook's algorithm changes, what it means for marketers and how to improve your reach.
Email marketing campaigns can do more harm than good. Learn 10 best practices for email marketing to ensure effectiveness and better customer responses.
Successful companies use multiple social media platforms to stay competitive. Here's why you shouldn’t rely only on Facebook and X (Twitter).
Learn what a PEO does and the advantages and disadvantages of partnering with one vs. managing HR in-house.
There is a lot of psychology involved in trying to make a sale. Here are the key principles to understand when you're marketing to your customers.
Opt-in email marketing helps reach prospects who have already shown interest in your products or services and are more likely to buy. Learn how it works.
Contests and sweepstakes can be an engaging part of your social media marketing strategy. However, you must understand the laws governing their usage.
A dependent care flexible spending account (FSA) helps employees with child care and reduces tax liability. Learn if you should offer a dependent care FSA.
No matter what type of taxes you need help preparing, it's crucial to choose the right business tax consultant – and one whose prices fit into your budget.
Big data, together with AI, can help you find your target audience and communicate with it more effectively than ever before.
With the tax savings it offers, a Section 125 plan can be a nice addition to a benefits package. Here are the pros and cons of these plans.