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Marketing and Sales

Everything you need to know about marketing to drive new sales, and how to keep your existing customer base.

Latest in Marketing News: Advice, Tips and Resources

14 Ways to Improve Your Local Marketing Strategy
By Stella Morrison | April 10, 2024

Learn how to target customers in your neighborhood and turn them into loyal clients.

Just Say No: 7 Website Design Mistakes That Can Hurt Conversion
By Jennifer Dublino | April 10, 2024

When someone lands on your website, you have less than a second to make a conversion. Here are design elements that can hurt your business.

How to Transform Your Static Site into a Responsive Website
By Sean Peek | April 10, 2024

As consumers prefer smartphones over desktop computers, your site must be mobile responsive. Here's how to make your static site look good on all devices.

10 Tips for Choosing the Right Web Hosting Company
By Genia Stevens | April 10, 2024

Follow these tips to choose the right web host for your company website so that it's accessible and secure.

Small Business Guide to Using Google Analytics
By Mark Fairlie | April 10, 2024

Google Analytics is an essential tool for your business website and marketing strategy. Learn what Google Analytics is, how to set it up and how to use it.

What Is Channel Management?
By Jennifer Dublino | April 10, 2024

Channel management is finding the right marketing techniques and sales strategies to reach your target customers. Learn how channel management works.

Repeat Business: 7 Ways to Keep Your Customers Coming Back
By Sean Peek | April 10, 2024

Repeat business can improve cash flow and ROI, promote your brand and help you better target customers. Learn seven strategies for earning repeat business.

4 Tips for Reengaging Past Clients
By Jamie Johnson | April 10, 2024

Reengaging past clients can create new business and save money. Learn strategies for reengaging former clients and the benefits of client reengagement.

How to Use Customer Feedback to Your Advantage
By Jennifer Dublino | April 10, 2024

Customers provide valuable insights into your business operations. Learn how to gather and take advantage of customer feedback to improve your business.

Back to Black: How to Combat a Decline in Sales
By Jennifer Post | April 10, 2024

How do you combat declines in sales when the economy is to blame? See how one business turned its sales around in two years.

How to Choose the Best Call Center Software
By Mark Fairlie | April 10, 2024

Think you know what call center software does? Think again. In the last five years, it's evolved, integrating with SMS, messaging apps, video calls and more.

Freshworks CRM Review and Pricing
By Nadia Reckmann | April 10, 2024

Freshworks CRM is a comprehensive solution with extensive analytics tools and sales features. Learn why Freshworks is the best CRM for sales managers.

PR Nightmares: What You Can Learn From the Biggest Blunders
By Julie Thompson | April 08, 2024

Business owners can learn a lot from PR mistakes made by some of the biggest companies. Here are a few key public relations lessons.

How Your Product Packaging Can Win Buyers’ Hearts
By Julie Thompson | April 05, 2024

Find out how product packaging can win over customers, and get tips for successful packaging strategies.

busy office
9 Ways to Build a Positive Sales Culture
By Megan Totka | April 04, 2024

A successful sales team is the lifeblood of your company. Learn how to develop a healthy, positive sales culture that fosters success for your business.

How Much Does Customer Service Training Cost?
By Jennifer Dublino | April 04, 2024

Customer service can make or break a company's success. Learn the costs and types of customer service training and how training can benefit your business.

Stand Out: 5 Ways to Combine Traditional and Digital Marketing
By Kelly Bosetti | April 04, 2024

Digital marketing helps businesses reach a vast online audience, but traditional marketing can help consumers find your brand. Learn to combine the two.

Features of Call Center Systems
By Sean Peek | April 04, 2024

Call center systems can improve customer service and sales calls. Learn their features and capabilities and how your business can incorporate call centers.

Entrepreneurs, Take Note: 5 Trends in Online Purchasing Habits
By Jennifer Dublino | April 04, 2024

E-commerce stores must stay on top of consumer shopping behavior. Learn about consumer trends and how to attract online customers via e-commerce platforms.

Businessman working on a laptop
How to Boost Online Awareness of Your Brand
By Devon Vocke | April 03, 2024

Without effective brand awareness, your business will get buried by the competition. Here's how to make your business stand out online.

Make It Memorable: Tips for Creating an Effective Brand Name
By Jennifer Dublino | April 03, 2024

Your brand's name is the foundation for all your future marketing and sales communications. Follow these tips to make it the best possible brand name.

office meeting
Marketing Fail: 5 Customers Who Want to Destroy Your Business
By Andrew McDermott | April 02, 2024

Predatory customers are hurting your business. Learn the five types of toxic customers you may face and how to stop marketing to them.

The Psychology of Choice: How Your Business Can Leverage Customer Decision-Making
By Jamie Johnson | April 01, 2024

The psychology of choice means the more options we have, the less likely we are to make a decision. Learn how to use this to your business's advantage.

Time for Change: When to Rebrand and How to Begin the Process
By Julie Thompson | April 01, 2024

Businesses rebrand for various reasons, including growth and new market outreach. Learn how to begin rebranding and what rebranding mistakes to avoid.

Your Best Asset: The Power of Customer Loyalty and its Significance
By Max Freedman | April 01, 2024

Attracting and retaining customers is crucial for a business' long-term growth. Learn why customer loyalty is critical and how to build and maintain it.

How New-Age Social Media Marketing Is Changing and What You Need to Know
By Aaron Irmas | April 01, 2024

Social media marketing is effective for brands, but it's evolving rapidly. Learn how to leverage social media marketing today and identify future trends.

How to Create Community Around Your Brand
By Jennifer Dublino | April 01, 2024

Cultivating a fan community around your brand and products can create marketing and retention opportunities. Learn how to build a robust brand community.

5 Strategies for Building Brand Trust Through Video
By Joe Forte | April 01, 2024

Video marketing brings brand exposure while building trust with customers. Learn five strategies for building brand trust and customer loyalty with video.

Learn by Example: 5 Successful Small Business Marketing Campaigns
By Sean Peek | April 01, 2024

Marketing is especially important for small businesses that want to expand their reach. Learn how five businesses found success with impactful campaigns.

5 Steps to Engaging Your Audience on Social Media
By Rachelle Gordon | April 01, 2024

Social media followers are key to growing your brand reputation. Learn how to engage your social media audience with strategic content and other practices.