Employment practices liability insurance protects your business from past or current employee lawsuits. Here’s how EPLI works.
Your company sales manual is your sales department's "how-to" guide for achieving success. Learn how to create one.
Deal desks are specialized sales teams focused on high-value deals. Learn the pros and cons of deal desks and how to utilize them to drive sales.
Closing a sale is an art. With these steps, you can seal any deal and build an ongoing relationship with a prospect or client.
Google Analytics is an essential tool for your business website and marketing strategy. Learn what Google Analytics is, how to set it up and how to use it.
Big data can be an effective tool for HR professionals to hire and retain top talent. Learn some smart ways to use big data in human resources.
Getting people to subscribe to your blog moves them down the sales funnel toward becoming a customer. Learn how to increase your blog subscriber list.
Channel management is finding the right marketing techniques and sales strategies to reach your target customers. Learn how channel management works.
Venmo is known for peer-to-peer payments. But Venmo for Business makes payments easy for small businesses. Learn the pros and cons of Venmo for Business.
Learn how connecting with prospects on social media can improve your lead-generation efforts.
SIMPLE IRAs are an excellent retirement benefit option for small businesses to present to employees. Learn how SIMPLE IRAs work and what you need to know.
Being a boss comes with challenges and hardships. Learn the downsides of being the boss and tips to reduce the stress of managing others.
ChatGPT helped us to brainstorm ideas for an online business and develop a marketing plan.
Charm prices end in the number nine. Learn about charm vs. prestige pricing and how your ideal customer should dictate your pricing strategy.
Setting the proper prices for your services is one of the most crucial elements of business. Learn how to set fair and accurate prices for your services.
For employers, paying a living wage can feel like a burden. However, paying a living wage can be a powerful investment that positively affects revenues.
Payroll reports list pay rates, hours, overtime, vacation, withholdings and more. Here's what your business needs to know about payroll reporting.
Payroll audits can be beneficial to your business. Learn how to conduct one with this step-by-step guide and get software recommendations.
Overhead costs are expenses tied to things other than the production of goods or services. Here's how to calculate overhead.
Repeat business can improve cash flow and ROI, promote your brand and help you better target customers. Learn seven strategies for earning repeat business.
Brilliant is a cloud-based POS system with excellent employee management features. Learn how Brilliant can track wages, hours, payroll and schedules.
Check out these branding tips for business owners to connect with Generation Z and millennial consumers.
See the pros and cons of hiring freelance web developers versus having them on staff and find out how to decide which is best for your business.
Your business credit score is related to but separate from your personal credit score. Learn what a business credit score is and why it matters.
Paychex offers enterprise-grade onboarding, payroll and HR features. Learn why it’s our top pick for larger businesses needing payroll services.
Justworks is an accredited PEO with an intuitive platform and services like benefits and payroll. Learn why Justworks is the best PEO for ease of use.
Gusto is the ideal HR software for employers that want advanced payroll capabilities. Get a rundown of features and pricing.
This guide to filing payroll taxes can help any business with employees manage their payroll and meet their tax obligations.
Product packaging, including the materials used and the color palette, can give you a competitive edge. Follow these strategies to attract customers.
User-generated content (UGC) can help your brand engage customers and boost sales. Learn how to encourage UGC to increase trust, engagement and sales.