PayPal has affordable payment processing services and no long-term contracts. Learn how your company can accept credit and debit card payments with PayPal.
Equity compensation is a strategy used to improve a business’s cash flow. Instead of a full salary, the employee is given a partial stake in the company.
Learn the best practices for handling cash flow and other accounting issues. These useful tips and strategies will help you manage business finances.
Angel investors are accredited investors who use their money to help businesses they view as worthwhile. Learn how to find and work with them.
Franchises are a good way to own and run a business without having to determine what to sell or how to market it. Learn about low-cost opportunities.
Defaulting on an SBA loan is serious; you can face bank levies, wage garnishment and foreclosure. But some cases allow forgiveness. Learn if you qualify.
IRS audits are stressful and costly. Learn best practices and tips that will reduce your chances of getting audited by the IRS and help you stay compliant.
As the world becomes more digital, consumers want payment options. Here are four digital payment methods your business can offer to process transactions.
Streamline your medical billing process – and receive payment for your services faster – with these suggestions.
Cash- and accrual-based business accounting are analysis methods for determining a business's financial health. Learn which is right for your business.
Managing payroll forms is a necessary part of owning and running a business. Learn about the payroll tax and report forms business owners must understand.
Whether you do it yourself or rely on accounting software, finance tracking is essential for small business owners.
Learn how to reconcile your business’s bank account by comparing your recorded transactions to the bank statements. Then, you can follow up on any errors.
Find out what to include in a cash flow statement, as well as its limitations and how cash flow is calculated.
Mathematical skills can determine financial success. Whether or not it comes naturally, here are tips to sharpen your ability.
Consumers expect companies to accept credit and debit cards and digital payments. Learn how to select a payment processor and start accepting credit cards.
Merchant cash advances and working capital loans are financing tools for business owners who need fast cash. Learn how they differ and their pros and cons.
Qualifying for a business credit card with bad credit is hard but not impossible. Learn about card options if you have bad credit, such as secured cards.
Stripe and Stax are two popular credit card processors for small businesses. Here is how they compare.
An accountant can add financial balance to your life. But how do you pick the right accountant for your business? Here are our tips.
Chargebacks are issued by card issuers or banks at the request of customers. Learn what a chargeback is, how much it costs, and how you can prevent them.
Partnerships use schedule K-1 tax forms to avoid tax penalties by distinguishing business income and personal income.
Learn why it makes fiscal sense for your company to have a dedicated business savings account.
Learn why cash flow statements are a vital part of financial tracking and many financial activities.
North American Bancard is a credit card processor with quick setup that serves high-risk businesses. Learn about its fast approval process and features.
Merchant One is a top credit card processor with an intuitive platform. Learn why Merchant One is the best credit card processor for flexible pricing.
Alternative lenders offer more flexible terms and faster approval and funding than traditional banks. Discover more about alternative loans.
The pandemic’s Paycheck Protection Program offered relief to businesses. Here is what you should know about the loan forgiveness process.
The government and nonprofits provide funds for felons who want to start a business. Here is a list of options, from grants to crowdfunding to loans.
Credit cards are a common way to make purchases, but businesses must abide by certain rules and regulations, including the PCI Data Security Standard.