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Human Resources

The essential strategies, tactics, and tools you need to manage and grow your human capital.

Latest: Advice, Tips and Resources in HR Topics

Dialpad Review and Pricing
By Jessica Elliott | April 29, 2024

Dialpad offers voice calling, video conferencing and text messaging. This flexibility helps small businesses connect with clients in ways that work best for both customers and businesses.

8×8 Phone System Review and Pricing
By Jessica Elliott | April 29, 2024

What makes 8x8 one of the best phone systems for small businesses is that it is hosted in the cloud and easy to use, has an assortment of valuable features, is affordably priced, and provides...

Nextiva Review and Pricing
By Jessica Elliott | April 29, 2024

Nextiva is one of the best phone systems for businesses with multiple locations. It's a cloud-based VoIP system that can spread across several offices and stores yet still be managed from one central...

How to Utilize Big Data for Human Resources
By Skye Schooley | April 23, 2024

Big data can be an effective tool for HR professionals to hire and retain top talent. Learn some smart ways to use big data in human resources.

The Management Theory of Henry Mintzberg
By Sean Peek | April 19, 2024

Learn the management theory of academic and author Henry Mintzberg, including how it applies to small businesses.

11 Tools for Tracking Your Remote Staff’s Productivity
By Skye Schooley | April 19, 2024

Need to keep a better eye on worker productivity? Here are five tools to tighten your employee tracking.

office meeting
4 Ways an Ergonomic Workstation Can Improve Your Productivity
By Julie Thompson | April 19, 2024

Learn how workplace ergonomics can increase productivity and employee happiness.

Why HR’s Organizational Structure Matters
By Skye Schooley | April 18, 2024

Ensuring your HR team is appropriately organized and structured is critical to your success. Here's more about the structure types and why they matter.

happy business team at a conference table
5 Warning Signs You Need to Outsource Your HR
By Skye Schooley | April 18, 2024

Should you outsource your company's HR functions? Here are five signs that outsourcing HR may be your best strategy.

The Pros and Cons of Having a Human Resources Department
By Skye Schooley | April 18, 2024

Should you hire an internal human resources department? Learn the pros and cons of having an HR department and how to go about hiring one.

woman at a job interview
5 Challenges to Outsourcing HR (and How to Overcome Them)
By Skye Schooley | April 18, 2024

If you're considering outsourcing your HR, keep these challenges in mind so you'll know what to look for in the right service.

Group meeting at a conference table
HR Management Systems Market Report for Small Businesses
By Chad Brooks | April 18, 2024
Employee Performance Goals and Metrics: Performance Goals Examples
By Skye Schooley | April 18, 2024

Setting employee performance goals is an important job for managers. Learn how to set performance goals and why they're important, and view specific examples.

rude manager yelling at an employee
Who Are You Hiring? The Shocking Cost of Resume Fraud
By Skye Schooley | April 17, 2024

Find out what resume fraud is, how it may impact your small business, and how to spot it.

The Management Theory of Frederick Taylor
By Sean Peek | April 17, 2024

Make your business more efficient by using Frederick Taylor's scientific principles for employee management.

Ways to Prepare for a Gen Z Workplace
By Jennifer Dublino | April 16, 2024

Generation Z is flooding the workplace. Here is how you can prepare to meet the needs of this demographic and their unique perspective.

How to Improve Relations Between Your Managers and Employees
By Sammi Caramela | April 16, 2024

The relationship between your managers and your employees is key to maintaining a productive and happy workplace. Get relationship management tips.

Substance Abuse in the Workplace: What to Do When an Employee Returns from Rehab
By Skye Schooley | April 16, 2024

Returning to work is a critical part of recovery for many former addicts. As an employer, learn how you can best support an employee.

9 Reasons Why Encouraging Fitness in the Office Is Beneficial
By Julie Thompson | April 16, 2024

Workplace wellness is a crucial aspect of modern employment. Learn how to encourage fitness in the office and gain health, productivity and morale boosts.

How to Implement a Compressed Work Schedule
By Nicole Fallon | April 15, 2024

A compressed work schedule offers your employees additional days off without loss of income, benefits or productivity. Learn how to use it in your company.

PEO Software: How to Choose the Best One for Your Business
By Joshua Stowers | April 10, 2024

Choosing the best PEO software means understanding the HR functions PEOs provide your small business. Learn about the best PEOs and what they offer.

How Hiring a Chief Happiness Officer Can Save Your Business
By Skye Schooley | April 10, 2024

Employee happiness is a key component of business success. Learn what a chief happiness officer is and how one can benefit your company.

Why Remote Work Makes Good Business Sense
By Julie Thompson | April 10, 2024

A flexible work schedule is valued by many employees. But it also benefits businesses, which save money on office space, utilities and more.

happy business team at a conference table
7 Ways to Create a Happy and Motivated Workplace
By Julie Thompson | April 10, 2024

Employee satisfaction is crucial to a motivated workplace. Here are some great ways to create a happy and productive work environment.

Human Relations Management Theory Basics
By Miranda Fraraccio | April 10, 2024

Understand the basic premise behind the human relations management theory and the skills you need to implement it in your business.

3 Soft Skills to Consider for Improved Employee Return on Investment
By Julie Thompson | April 10, 2024

If you want to boost productivity and profits, make sure your employees have these soft skills. You'll see a better return on investment if they do.

7 Powerful Tips for Highly Productive Online Meetings
By Julie Thompson | April 10, 2024

Online business meetings are a necessity in business today. Learn tips for more effective and productive online meetings without glitches and distractions.

What Do Millennials Want in a Modern Leader?
By Jennifer Post | April 10, 2024

Millennials comprise a significant portion of today's workforce. Learn the modern leadership styles they value and the traits of millennial leaders.